I-Star Managed Services were "Engaged as a principal solution’s specialist and worked with the Senior Management of Tuakiri, NZ Access Federation Service to pull together a High Level Service Capability Statement to go to NZ Govt OoCIO, Dept. of Internal Affairs.
Key achievements:
Developed domain knowledge in a short period of time, and with clarity
Managed and met stakeholder expectations on the outcome delivered.
Delivered a high quality and professional service capability statemen...
Author: shanson@istar.net.nz
Managed Cloud – Taking the complexity out of Cloud Services
We all know "Cloud" is the wave of the future and can "Do No Wrong!" We all know it's an enabler and disruptive and if your not using Cloud services your competitions already got one up on you!
But with everything there are downsides, how do you use "The Cloud" to gain competitive advantage? Will it really lower your costs? Are your business processes aligned to take full advantage of it's capabilities and what exactly are those capabilities!
I-Star Manged Services are the Cloud experts! W...
Managed Security – Taking the fear out of IT
Based on the world leading Fortinet suite of products, I-Star Managed Services brings you peace of mind. Relax knowing that your security is being constantly monitored and analyzed by the best platform and the best team available. Having worked in security for all the major security vendors and both major telco's you can rest assured that I-Star Managed Services Security Team is one of the best around!
With Best Practice and Security in Depth as the main tenants of I-Star's security platform....
Managed Desktops – Taking the T out of IT
Your busy, you have a business to run! you don't need the hassle of managing desktops, making sure that everyone's Anti-Virus is up to date, their firewall is running and the latest patches applied. Besides, remember when you applied that patch and it broke everything. You really don;t need that stress!!
Well now you can relax with I-Star's Managed Desktop Service. We provide full desktop management, just imagine..
NO MORE Patch Updates
NO MORE Virus Worries
NO MORE Backup I...
I-star Managed Services
Using Best of Breed solutions and partnering with some of the best Service Providers both in New Zealand and around the world I-Star Managed Services removes the cost and stress of technology allowing you to focus on your core business.